“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” – this phrase has inspired millions in rough times. Personally quotes have been a source of my inspiration ever since I embarked on the entrepreneurial journey. Initially when I was impatient for results, I would hear my peers say “Rome was not built in a day”. Simple yet a profound phrase that communicates the values of patience and perseverance.
Today, the World economy is paralyzed by Covid-19, a microscopic organism and the effects of this impact will stay on you and your business for sometime. In such adverse times, words from World-leaders like, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon Hill and more can become a beacon of hope, inspiration and help you cultivate a future-positive outlook.
I have personally curated 10 quotes, which I feel are ideal for the situation we are in. They will help you stay focused, inspire you and be that glowing light in these dark times. Remember there is light at the end of tunnel. May these words of wisdom connect with you. You are free to save, download and share this with a fellow entrepreneurs.

Every negative event contains within it the seed of an equal and greater benefit.
Napoleon Hill – Author of the success classic Think and Grow Rich

We must accept finite disappointments but we must never lose infinite hope.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You are not the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things, the books you read and the people you meet.
Charlie “tremendous” Jones –
Member of The National Speakers Hall of Fame

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
Calvin Coolidge – Thirtieth President of the United States

A man is but a product of his thoughts.
What he thinks he becomes.
Mahatma Gandhi

“No” is a word on your path to “Yes”. Don’t give up too soon. Not even if well-meaning parents, relatives, friends and colleagues tell you to get “a real job”.
Your dreams are your real job.
Joyce Spizer – Author of Rejections of The Written Famous.

Fall down seven times, get up eight times.
Japanese Proverb

Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard-line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.
H. Ross Perot – American Billionaire and former U.S. presidential candidate

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

When you struggle with a problem, that is when you understand it.
Elon Musk.
May the power of words inspire you to look at the future positively. Practice social distancing, stay home and stay safe till we get over with this pandemic – Coronavirus. This too shall pass.
Optimist. Believer. Entrepreneur.
Founder @BigBrandTheory, Certified Change & Innovation Expert, ISB Hyderabad.
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