While you are reading this, wherever you are in the world, I pray for your health and safety. As an entrepreneur, I know many lives depend on us and it’s our duty to stay safe. I can relate to the myriad emotions you are experiencing and thus I hope this article inspires you.
Demonetization! GST roll out! NBFC Credit Crunch!
The last few years have been nothing but shocking for Indian businesses and entrepreneurs. We haven’t yet come to terms with the after effects of these events and here we are once again hit by yet another unexpected and unknown nemesis – Covid-19.
Covid-19 does not need an introduction. Surfaced in November 2019 and in a matter of just 4 months, it became a global phenomenon. A microscopic living organism with global ambitions and mighty enough to bring the world economy to its knees. World leaders to daily wagers, all are under the curse of Covid-19. Its effect has the world economy trudging towards a global recession with trillions of dollars impacted. Causing a loss of more than 200 million jobs. Hitting all sectors, consumer demand and forecast.
In-a nutshell– this crazy microscopic thing has stalled the world economic engine.
Hitting India in Q4 of Financial year.
Covid-19 hit India in late February and rose in early March, a truly bad timing, I must say. It has hit us at the fag-end of the financial year, a time when a lot of payment transactions and planning happen. As business owners, we spend our time summarizing the year with ending closure and simultaneously reviewing our growth and planning for forth coming FY.
As corrective measure our honorable Prime Minister initiated the lockdown on March 19th for a week’s time and later extended the same for 2 weeks i.e. up till 14th April eventually extended to 3rd May . Our PM is well aware of the adverse economic impact due to lockdown however the safety of Indian citizens and flattening the curve is his prerogative. And he has received support from all parts of India.
Lockdown impact on Entrepreneurs.
Whether you are on an individual or own a start-up or a SME or a Large cap, one thing is for sure –the lockdown of 40 days (for now) means reduced and virtually zero operations and that means RED and alarming MIS. Cash is the lifeblood of any business and no operations mean no revenue. On the other side, your overheads continue to ring –Employee salaries, utilities, debts and EMI’s of loans. I am hearing from friends of various sectors – Services, Hoteliers, Events and Production Companies to name a few on how they are deeply affected by this and the insurmountable gap of overheads and revenue.
One thing is for sure that Covid-19 is leaving a scar on your business. However what’s also sure is –You have everything in you to face it.
This is why you are an entrepreneur.
This is the test of your spirit and faith.
5 Guiding Points for you to brave this weather.
We are humans and the unknown can drive us crazy. For now, we do not know how long the lockdown will be extended or will it be lifted? 40 can become 50 days. We are clueless on the next month’s business pipeline. Anxiety and worry engulf our minds. I can very well relate to these feelings and I have pulled my 5 guiding points for you to remind you of your powers and how to brave this weather.
01. Remember who you are.
“Remember who you are” is an unforgettable dialogue from one of the most famous Disney movies of all time, “The Lion King,” and I have heard it for most of my life.
Often in the darkest of times, we forget our purpose. Our fears overpower our faith. At such times, it is good to dive deep within yourself and remind yourself your purpose and who you are. So, who are you? You are an entrepreneur, gifted with the power to create, will of steel, to persevere in the toughest of times and thrive as a winner. Remind yourself of the reason you took the leap of entrepreneurship, the purpose to make a dent and the self-made human you are.
Let my words inspire you: –
That voice inside. The fire within.
Are my powers, when my chances are slim.
I dream in the day; the dream that I will create the next big thing.An entrepreneur I am,
Pravin Shah, April 15th 2020.
And the world knows me as a crazy being.
I have curated 10 inspiring quotes that can be your go-to motivators in tough times. Visit here.
02. Use this gift of time to focus on Important vs Urgent.
I have been an entrepreneur for almost 20 years now. As far as my memory goes, I have never experienced a time like this of being at home of being totally cut off from the daily grind. I accept that there is turmoil in the world, there are people dying and families are suffering and my prayers are with them. But the best I can do is make the best of this time.
With a frantic pace of life that I have lived, this time has given me a breather to appreciate the life I have, the time with family, to meditate, read and express my thoughts via my blog. Urgent matters always take precedence over the important but now you have the chance to focus on the IMPORTANT.
Spending time with family, listening to that inner voice for the next hustle, learning that new skill, revisiting your business strategy, working on the long due website, digging that pending email list for marketing or rewriting your personal goals. This is the time to shift focus from the “Could do” to the “Should do”. Things that will take you closer to your goals. Go for it! Make every moment matter.
03. You are the Captain of your Ship.
And mind you – right now ‘YOU’ are important.
The weather is rough and the sail is tough. In uncharted territories, the troop has only one hope – You. The Captain. It is only you and your sense of calm that will sail through. In challenging times, every decision is crucial. Focus on yourself with these 4 points.
- Being calm – A cloud full of unknown can fill your mind with negative thinking. It’s easy for me to write “Stay calm”. It’s easy for someone to put a meme saying “Stay Calm, Wash your hands”. But it’s a serious challenge to remain calm when the tide is high and you are responsible for lives in your ship, for your enterprise. But if you practice these 2 things, I am sure it can center you. First is practicing mindfulness through meditation. A daily practice of just 20 minutes in morning and evening without distraction will keep you positive and in the present. For the uninitiated, you can refer to this video below from Isha Yoga and adopt simplest ways to meditate.
- Second is to focus on your goal, the things that drive you. Your goal is your anchor, hold on to it. Visualize it. Write on it. I bet you, these two activities will realign your focus. Try.
- Being fit – If you follow a fitness program, don’t slack on it, due to lockdown. Keep the momentum rolling with 30 – 45 minutes of cardio exercise at home. It’s proven that exercise releases endorphins, the hormone which is responsible for keeping us positive and happy. If you are not part of fitness regime, just simple workouts like skipping, spot jogging and stretching will do the works. While WFH, look out for your posture when working from home, that couch can ruin your back. Keep taking breaks.
- Conscious eating – The kitchen is now a walk away and open 24×7. That snack, that chocolate at night and mindless,stressful eating will make you lethargic. You are at home, and unless your body has extremely good resting metabolic rate, don’t consume extra calories. Keep it moderate. When the time is right, you will have to run extra to catch up with this lost time. Stay on course.
- And most important being safe – Don’t step out, stay home and stay alive. Your family needs you. Your business needs you. The world needs you.
04. Enrich yourself with new thinking.
Open your mind to a new perspective. A new dimension of thinking that can transform the way you operate your life and your business. Words of wisdom, experience, failures and triumph are waiting for you in a book or a movie. Reading can improve your mental health, enhance your knowledge and change your perspective or even help solve a complex problem. Here is a list of my recommendations in this lockdown.

The book “Start with Why” – by Simon Sinek. This book gives a new perspective on finding your WHY, the real purpose. It dives into history and even in the future, with leading examples from Apple to Influential Personality, on how they thrive by believing in their WHY.

The One thing–By Gary Keller & Jai Papasan.
If you have experienced a scattered day, an overwhelming work week or had the feeling of going home from work unsatisfied, this book is a spotlight in your work life. With its practical approach and easy reading, it shows you the importance of important thing and how they should not be left at the mercy of unimportant thing.

Ikigai –By Hector Garcia & Frances Miralles.
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. This book is a meditation in itself. It takes you through a journey of Japanese towns and their lifestyle on living, coping with challenges and daily practice for a longer life. It will help you in your professional life.
Web-series on NetFlix–
Inside Bill’s Brain – An interesting 3 episode series on the life of Bill Gates. His rise and fall and his commitment for the Planet. What I liked in this series was how he consumes complex information and creates a picture in his mind. A must watch.
If you are reading, listening or watching something that’s valuable in knowledge, please recommend it to me and my readers in the comments section here.
05. Patience& Planning.
As an entrepreneur, I am sure you have your short term and long-term plans. But the reality is Covid-19, is sitting in between these plans. And you have got to be patient for this to get over and kickstart the momentum. I know that voice inside is piling up, growling, but for a while you have to tame it. Just for a while. And while you do that, look back at your excel sheet, stretch the available capital, negotiate payment cycles, speak to the leadership staff on way forward. Over communicate a little and keep the head high.
I hope my words will come handy for you. Just remember when this is over and your business is thriving again, you would look back at this adversity as a learning experience for yourself. Before I sign off, I wish to leave you with this amazing quote. Stay Home, Stay safe.
Those who tread the narrow road
Walk in a single file –
Shadow plague each wary step,
Hazards haunt each mile.
If you wish to share a thought that will help entrepreneurs or a topic i should elaborate on, please leave a comment or reach out to me and i will be happy to take it forward.
Optimist. Believer. Entrepreneur.
Founder @BigBrandTheory, Certified Change & Innovation Expert, ISB Hyderabad.
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